Financial Statement Analysis Software
Swiftly create, analyze and share accurate financial statements
Improve your 3-statement model reporting speed, accuracy, and flexibility with a single source of truth for financial and business data.
Fueling finance teams globally
Accurate reporting
Get financial & business data that is better organized for easier access, faster analysis and accurate reporting.
Faster analysis & decision-making
Automate creation of financial statements with reduced risk of human error, giving you more time for analysis.
Better workflow & collaboration
Provide stakeholders access to correct information & streamline reporting cycles with less time spent on manual coordination.
Connect reports directly to source data—without IT support
Get complete visibility into business performance with multi-data source consolidation—from ERP, CRM and billing systems to databases, Excel & CSV.
Create and view reports that are always in sync and consistent—numbers are automatically updated when they change in underlying data sources.
Customize your reports—be it pro forma statements such as P&L, or fundraising due diligence and board presentations.
Create detailed variance reports
Access financial & business data to build your statements with a self-serve interface to perform actuals vs. budget and actuals vs. forecast analysis.
Drill-down from summary to transaction data to quickly identify drivers that impact revenue goals and answer follow-up questions.
Automate calculation of key financial ratios relating to liquidity, profitability, debt-to-equity and risk/market valuation.
Best of breed templates help you get started quickly and derive value immediately.
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Drivetrain is essential to my day-to-day work. I’m able to quickly generate reports from cash flow reporting and P&L reports for the board & by business units to cost control implementation and plan vs. actuals of expenses.
Prince Sharma
Senior Manager, FP&A, FarEye
Ready case study
Want to see Drivetrain in action?
Book a DemoAccelerate your reporting process, securely
The most comprehensive access controls, audit trails and email/Slack notifications speeds up your variance analysis process.
Mitigate the risk of manual data entry by dynamically linking your data sources to financial and business statements and reports.
Shorten communication loops between teams with built-in commentary for sharing budget variance explanations.
Discover insights quickly with powerful analysis tools
Use the What-If scenario analysis tool to examine the effects of different financial statement decisions on key financial ratios.
Create interactive dashboards to analyze metric trends by any dimension such as territories, segments, products, etc.
Identify key drivers and anomalies with one-click root cause analysis to optimize revenue, cost, and profitability.
Anticipate and detect deteriorating cash flow quality.
Create accurate financial reports in less time
Investor & board reporting
Automate creation and sharing of business metrics with the board & investors in real-time.
Ad hoc business reports
Create custom metrics with plain-English formulas & transform them into charts, graphs or tables.
Budget variance analysis
Automated data consolidation for near real-time budget vs. actuals monitoring.
Multi-currency & entity support
Consolidate data from multiple subsidiaries and different currencies to create accurate reports in the desired currency.
Scenario analysis
Powerful What-If analysis and root cause analysis tools help you answer higher-order questions in minutes.
Ready to start your journey?
Book a Demo